Douglas Cohen
Senior Manager for Global Trade & Contracts at Worldwide Trade & Legal AssociatesFor more than 20 years, Douglas Cohen has been at the forefront of international trade and transactions. With positions in private law practice, the US Department of Commerce, the European Union, IATA, and American Airlines, Mr. Cohen has developed significant expertise in import export compliance, international negotiations, intellectual property, and Internet laws. At present, he is Senior Manager for Global Trade & Contracts at Worldwide Trade & Legal Associates, where he provides legal and strategic advice to organizations seeking to enter or expand foreign markets.
Mr. Cohen has been asked to teach university courses and corporate seminars on international business and law in the US, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. He is the author of numerous publications on Internet law, international contract negotiations, intellectual property protection, and import-export operations and compliance.
Recorded-webinar by: Douglas Cohen
NAFTA 2.O: The New USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada) Rules of Origin and Certificate of Origin Requirements
The USMCA entered into force on July 1, 2020. NAFTA preferential treatment cannot be claimed on July 1, 2020 or afterwards.
The USMCA replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). USMCA addresses recent and critical emerging issues, such as harmonization of regulatory systems, e-commerce, rules of origin, protection of intellectual property, and dispute resolution. These changes in USMCA will affect your operations and therefore, it is critical to understanding the key differences between NAFTA and the USMCA
Understanding the USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement) challenges and opportunities is an important part of business strategy not just for US, Canadian, and Mexican companies, but also for the Asian and EU firms that are competing for positions in North America.
This live webinar by expert speaker “Douglas Cohen” will assist import-exporters in understanding USMCA rules of origin and certificate of origin requirements. Understanding these rules and how they apply will help your company to take advantage of USMCA and reduce your costs. Improperly classifying your merchandise as North American in origin can lead to severe fines and penalties.
How To Get Paid in Import-Export Transactions: The Ins and Outs of Letters of Credit
This web session is designed to provide attendees with an end-to-end understanding of the L/C (letter of credit) process. From the beginning of a contractual agreement, through the letter of credit application process and actual negotiation of the L/C, this information-rich webinar will provide techniques that are indispensable to both importers and exporters and trade finance personnel.
Letters of Credit are the primary instruments for assuring payment of goods sold internationally. Letters of Credit are issued under the International Chamber of Commerce's Uniform Customs and Practice standards and can be negotiated by over 30,000 banks worldwide.
NAFTA 2.0: The New USMCA and How It Will Affect You
This webinar provides an opportunity to learn about both the NAFTA and its recent update, the USMCA (US-/Mexico - Canada FTA). This new multinational trade agreement is intended to improve the original NAFTA, signed into law more than 26 years ago. We will address all the recent and critical emerging issues and changes, such as harmonization of regulatory systems, e-commerce, rules of origin, certificates of origin, protection of intellectual property, labour, and dispute resolution. These issues and changes in USMCA greatly impact your North-American operations. Compliance with these new rules will be a challenge. Therefore, it is critical to understand and know how to apply the key differences between NAFTA and the USMCA.
How To Take Advantage of Foreign Trade Zones and Bonded Warehouses for Import-Exports
Learn how to take advantage of the benefits of foreign trade zones (FTZs) and bonded warehouses, such as improved cash flow, lower costs, improved inventory management, increased visibility of the supply chain, improved customs compliance. It is a way to reduce costs, save money, and run a more efficient inventory control.
Many importers are unaware of the benefits and opportunities available in using these alternative import methods. By using a Foreign-Trade Zone, the company avoids the lengthy Customs duty drawback process. And Bonded warehousing provides a safe environment where commodities subject to import duty and VAT, often known as bonded goods, are stored to avoid being confiscated.