Better Business Writing - How to Write Right
Speaker: Mr. Dev Strischek
Speaker Designation: Principal, Devon Risk Advisory Group

Speaker: Mr. Dev Strischek
Speaker Designation: Principal, Devon Risk Advisory Group
Good leaders walk the talk, but they also “write right”. They know how to say in a few words what needs to be said in crisp, clear language. The road to bad communication is paved with good intentions but poor construction. Readers know when subjects and verbs don’t agree, when punctuation misses the point, when words don’t fit, and content is confusing. In this session, learn how a few basic rules on grammar, punctuation, and usage can improve business written communications with clearer, more succinct content.
Business writing is best when it is spare and clear, precise and concise. This session is designed to give practical and useful advice and tips on how to tighten up language and organize the content into a logical, convincing read. Attendees don’t have to be English majors or literature students. The aim is to improve the readability of your written words.
Good writing takes practice, and many schools have reduced the time spent on formal writing, especially practical grammar, proficient spelling, appropriate punctuation, logical development, etc. This course can’t fill that kind of educational vacuum, but it can help participants improve on the skills they do have.
So, this is a webinar useful to many areas of your organization—not just lenders and credit approvers, not just credit analysts and loan reviewers, but also auditors, loan administrators, marketing, retail, operations—anyone who has to explain or convince others that what they are saying makes sense.
A frequent speaker, instructor, advisor, and writer on credit risk and commercial banking topics and issues, Martin J. "Dev" Strischek is the principal of Devon Risk Advisory Group based near Atlanta, Georgia. Dev advises, trains, and develops for financial organizations risk management solutions and recommendations on a range of issues and topics, e.g., credit risk management, credit culture, credit policy, credit and lending training, etc.
Besides stints at other banks in Florida, Kansas City, and Ohio, his experiences outside of banking include CFO of a Honolulu construction company, combat engineer officer in the U.S. Army, and college economics instructor in Hawaii, Missouri, and Florida. A graduate of Ohio State University and the ABA Stonier Graduate School of Banking, he earned his M.B.A. from the University of Hawaii. Mr. Strischek serves as an instructor in RMA’s Florida Commercial Lending School, the American Bankers Association's (ABA), Advanced Commercial Lending School, ABA’s Stonier Graduate School of Banking, and the Southwest Graduate School of Banking.
Mr. Strischek has written over 200 articles about credit risk management, financial analysis, and related subjects for the ABA’s Commercial Insights, the Risk Management Association’s RMA Journal, and other business professional journals. He is the author of Analyzing Construction Contractors and its related RMA workshop.